ICAR 2021 WORKSHOP: Human movement understanding for robotics and intelligent systems
Emel Demircan
California State University Long Beach
Andrej Gams
Jožef Stefan Institute
Tadej Petrič
Jožef Stefan Institute
Today, robotics as a field has matured to the point where methodologies developed and used in robotics may be leveraged to address research questions in many other fields, ranging from neuroscience to computer animation. Together with the tools from biomechanics, robotics enables our efforts to explore natural human motion, leading to improvements in treatments for patients with neuro-musculoskeletal disorders, and facilitating development of human-inspired robots. Using robotics methods and control theory, we aim at gaining fundamental insight into natural human movement, and understanding the mechanisms that lead to improved quality of treatment and rehabilitation. Using biomechanics, we aim at exploring the relationships between muscle mechanics, form, and function, and creating subject specific dynamics simulations to explain the causes of movement abnormalities. Through this workshop, we intend to create a focal point for this emerging interdisciplinary research field, facilitate dissemination within both the robotics and biomechanics research fields, and share it with the broader scientific community
- 9am-9.15am: Welcome & Introduction
- 9.15-9.35am: Invited Speech
- 9.35-9.55am: Invited Speech
- 10.55-10.15am: Invited Speech
- 10.15-10.35am: Spotlight talks
- 10.35-10.55am: Coffee break & demos
- 10.55-11.15am: Invited Speech
- 11.15-11.35am: Invited Speech
- 11.35-12.00pm: Panel
- 12pm: Conclusion
- Prof. Matjaz Mihelj, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana
- Prof. Nejc Šarabon, Dean of Faculty of Health Sciences, University o Primorska
- Doc. Dr. Tadej Petric, Dept. of Automation, Biocybernetics and Robotics, Jozef Stefan Institute
- Prof. Emel Demircan, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering & Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, California State University Long Beach