Talos can make you a dinner
Robots for domestic use
Laboratory for advancing collaborative robot behaviors in physical human-robot interaction scenarios
Skiing robot
We designed a special robot dedicated for skiing using the carving technique.
The humanoid robot that integrates the latest cutting-edge robotics technology.

CoBoTaT is a laboratory for advancing collaborative robot behaviors in physical human-robot interaction scenarios.

We are an interdisciplinary group of researchers who are using an integrative approach of robotics and machine learning to investigate human sensorimotor control and to develop modern robotic solutions.

CoBoTaT is part of the Department of Automatics, Biocybernetics and Robotics at Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana. CoBoTaT laboratory was established in 2018 with the financial support of Director’s found 2018.


Visit from the 1st Brigade of the Slovenian Armed Forces to Cobotat Laboratory

September 26, 2024
We were honored to welcome the members of the Rodovski Battalion of the 1st Brigade […]

Finalist for Best Video Award at IEEE ICAR 2023, Abu Dhabi

April 4, 2024
We’re thrilled to announce that our team’s submission has been selected as a finalist for […]

Open positions – fully funded PhD position

January 24, 2023
We are looking for excellent students of natural or technical sciences (electrical engineering, computer science, […]

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