
Mednarodna podiplmska šola Jožeta Štefana

IKT3 – Intelligent Robot Control

Lecture 1: Introduction to Actuators (PDF)

Lecture 2: Introduction to Control (PDF)

Lecture 3: Control of Redundant Robots (PDF)

Lecture 4: Control of Redundant Robots Multiple Tasks (PDF)

Lecture 5: Force control (PDF)

Lecture 6 Impedance control (PDF)

Lecture 7: Admittance control and virtual guides (PDF)

Lecture 8: Advances in phase-state-systems (PDF)

IKT2 – Control, Modelling and Simulation of Robotic Systems

Lecture 1: Introduction and overview (PDF)

Lecture 2: Trajectory planning (PDF)

Lecture 3: Redundant robot mechanisms (PDF)

Lecture 4: Uporaba nelinearnih oscilatorjev v robotiki: uvod (PDF)

Lecture 5: Uporaba nelinearnih oscilatorjev v robotiki: dvonivojski sistem (PDF)

Lecture 6 : Adaptive control architecture for efficient interaction of exoskeleton with human (PDF)

Lecture 7 Human like Robotic Movement – Hammering (PDF)

Lecture 8: The effects of leader follower dynamics on physical collaboration in human robot dyads (PDF)